Bowly Your personal dresser icon

Your personal dresser

Download Bowly and
let our AI choose your outfit

Bowly is the app that helps you choose your daily outfits and manage your wardrobe. By submitting your wardrobe to the Bowly app, our AI will analyze your clothes and every day you will get a new outfit to wear. By combining several style rules and your own preferences and personal style, the app makes sure you get the most of your wardrobe!

Android and iPhone application screenshot

Bowly is the app that helps you choose your daily outfits and manage your wardrobe. By submiting your wardrobe to the Bowly app, our AI will analyze your clothes and every day you will get a new outfit to wear. By combining several style rules and your own preferences and personal style, the app makes sure you get the most out of your wardrobe!


Release for iOS


Today we launched Bowly on iOS! The app on Android and iOS are now in sync so every feature will always be released on both platforms. We still consider the app being in Beta since we are hoping to receive feedback on the app from our users in order to improve the application even further.

Release for Android


Today we had our very first release for Bowly and it is now available on Play Market. We still consider the app being in Beta since we are hoping to receive feedback on the app from our users in order to improve the application even further. Due to some technical problems with our animations in iPhones, the release for our iOS users is delayed but we are focusing all power on fixing this as soon as possible.


Wardrobe analyser

This tool will analyze your wardrobe and create a list of what clothes would improve your wardrobe. The Bowly AI will gather data about what clothes you have, the outfits you wear and recommended wardrobe setups in order to create a personalized list of clothes you should buy to have a complete wardrobe.

Wardrobe insights

Bowly helps you have a good rotation of your wardrobe by suggesting items. However the fact is that users often have a few clothes that we no longer enjoy wearing which means that they will be skipped a lot. Bowly will help you mark this items so you know what items you no longer are using and you can give these away to charity.

Do you have a suggestion of what we should add to Bowly? Email us at [email protected] and let us know!